The AGM for the Ingleburn Business Chamber was held on 8.12.21. A little later than normal due to restrictions imposed upon us and the community. I am pleased to announce the results of the AGM with positions filled as follows: President – …
Thank you to all who were able to attend the Chamber’s Christmas function on 8th December. A great night of relaxed social interaction, enjoying a quality meal at your leisure and being amazed by our entertainer. A happy and pleasant way to finish off a rather turbulent year. The Chamber now has a short recess. …
T21/06 Veterinary Services Council is inviting suitably qualified organisations (registered practising veterinarians) for the provision of Veterinary Treatment and Services to any animal impounded/surrendered/seized by the Council Animal Care Facility: i) At Council’s Animal Care Facility, 2 Rose Street, Campbelltown ii) At the Contractor’s Clinic which would preferably be located within a 15km radius of …
A very enjoyable meeting was held by the Chamber on 10th November for a number of reasons. To start, this was the first face to face meeting we had been able to hold for over six months A solid number where in attendance. Secondly, we enjoyed two very good and informative guest speakers – Campbelltown …