T21/06 Veterinary Services
Council is inviting suitably qualified organisations (registered practising veterinarians) for the provision of Veterinary Treatment and Services to any animal impounded/surrendered/seized by the Council Animal Care Facility:
- i) At Council’s Animal Care Facility, 2 Rose Street, Campbelltown
- ii) At the Contractor’s Clinic which would preferably be located within a 15km radius of Councils current Animal Care Facility.
Tenderers may tender for one or both of the above requirements.
The duties performed include but are not necessarily limited to; vaccination of dogs and cats, heart worm testing, examination and treatment of animals, provision of veterinary advice, provision of emergency accommodation, de-sexing, micro chipping and euthanasia of animals.
You can purchase the Request for Tender (RFT) document after registering with Tenderlink through the portal in electronic form or in hard copy from Council’s Customer Service Centre, Ground Floor, Cnr Queen and Broughton Streets, Campbelltown.
Please note access to Council’s Customer Service Centre is currently operating under restricted hours 10:00am – 4:00pm only
There is a document fee of $130.00 for this RFT, both in electronic or hard copy form.
All enquiries following the purchase of the RFT should be made via the Tenderlink online forum.
Please note:- You must submit your tender to Council by 2.30pmAEDT on Tuesday 21 December 2021 in the manner described in the RFT.
Enquiries prior to purchase of the RFT should be directed to:
Vanessa Wunsch
02 4645 4207